


CAS No.: 84-51-5

It is mainly used as raw material in the production of Hydrogen Peroxide with Anthraquinone process. It is also used in the synthesis of light-sensitive material, dyes etc.

Test Technical Index
Items Premium Product First-class Product
Appearance Light yellow flake or powder
Purity (%) ≥ 99 98.5
Initial melting point of dry product (℃) ≥ 108 - 112 108 - 112
Non-soluble in benzene (%) ≤ 0.05 0.05
Moisture (%) ≤ 0.2 0.2
Chlorine content (ppm) ≤ 10 30
Sulfur content (ppm) ≤ 5 5
Iron content (ppm) ≤ 2 5


25KG Bag, 250KG Bag, 500KG Bag, 750KG Bag.

龙川县| 博白县| 承德市| 马关县| 乌审旗| 屯留县| 普洱| 遂昌县| 增城市| 富顺县|